Sweet Kisses (Interracial BWWM Erotic Romance Bundle) Page 7
She finds herself in a large library, filled with what looks like thousands of books. Shakily, she gets to her feet to examine the shelves. They're filled with classics, and medical books, as well as more modern technology manuals. Still too tired to really care why she's in this strange place, she grabs a book and takes it over to a blue chair in the middle of the room.
She examines the cover. It looks like a romance novel, the kind her mom used to read when she was sober enough. From the first few pages, it seems old. The flowery language is a dead giveaway of the age of a romance. More modern stories tend to have abandoned that.
Before Belle can really get into the meat of the story, she hears a knocking on the door across the room. Finally, the reality of her situation sets in, and she begins to wonder where she is and why she's here. Trying to remember what happened last night, all she can remember is giving that weird man a lap dance and some kind of dog following her home...
The door opens a crack, a man peeking in on her. Seeing that she's awake, he steps into full view, and Belle gasps. "You!"
Standing before her is Jack!
"Don't you understand that no means no? Oh god... you didn't rape me, did you?"
"No!" he steps toward her, ready to console her if needed, but she jumps up from the chair. With the blood loss, her body can't handle the sudden change in posture, and she falls to the ground. Holding her head up with a hand, she tries to control her dizziness. "Hang on, calm down! You fell and hit your head, and I brought you here to care for you! My dad was a surgeon, so I know a thing or two."
"Right," she scoffs weakly. "You just happened across me while walking your dog, I suppose."
She looks up just in time for a look of confusion to cross the man's handsome face. "I don't have a dog."
"Well I've got to say, you pant like one."
A sudden silence grows between them. He moves toward her again, but seeing her distrust of him, leaves the room instead.
The only time Belle sees him again is at dinner time, when he brings in some food for her. A steak and potatoes, both made so well that Belle couldn't help but eat it. A few times she tries to find a way out of the library, but Jack has locked the door. She would scream and try to break the door down, but her head is still throbbing in pain. In the end, as the sun starts to go down, she decides to lay on the fluffy rug she woke up on. Before she falls asleep, she looks out the small window, too small for her body to fit through, and sees the full moon above her.
Some time later, probably hours later, Belle wakes up to the sound of that panting again. "What the hell," she breathes quietly, sitting up and blinking to clear her eyes again. The throbbing in her head has died down, but changing position too quickly still makes her dizzy.
She starts to look around the room for the source of the panting, sure that it sounds just like a dog. A growl in the corner of the room catches her attention, and she notices a large shadow and two glowing green eyes. "What the fuck!"
A huge beast comes out from the shadowy corner, its fur standing on end to make him look larger. Suddenly, it bounds toward her, picking her up and slamming her against the wall. She tries in vain to push the beast away, but its hot mouth breathes down on her neck, sharp teeth nipping lightly at her dark skin.
The beast shrinks in size slightly, revealing a more human form, totally nude. Before her terrified eyes, Belle watches as the beast transforms... into Jack! Though his body is now human, there's still wildness in his eyes, the same look he had as she ran from him at the club.
Growling again, Jack presses her hard against the wall, biting her neck. "Stop!" she cries, struggling to slip her hands out from under his grip. He's too strong though, holding her pinned against the cold wall.
His leg lifts up, pressing between her legs as his lips press against her quivering mouth. Whimpering against him, he kisses her passionately as his leg meets her mound. As it lifts up against her quim, she can't help but squirm against it, getting some pleasure from the terrifying situation.
His breath is hot, too hot, against her pure, dark skin. Jack's teeth, sharper than a human's should be, sink into her flesh. He doesn't break her skin, showing more strength of will than Belle would have expected from a beast. “Please,” she whines, turning her head away. “Just let me go.”
His naked prick presses against her stomach, throbbing and large with need. Wiggling against her, he makes sure she feels it. The soft skin pressing against her dress, clear precum leaving a small stain on the fabric. With a growl, he grabs her hair, turning her around and pressing her tits and face against the wall. “Ow, ah! Let me go!”
Belle can't tell if he doesn't understand her or doesn't care about her cries, but the roughness of his touch is turning her on in ways she's shamed to admit. Her heartbeat has quickened, her breathing shallow now with excitement. The animal-man lifts up the back of her skirt, revealing the same panties she was wearing when giving him a lap dance.
He roughly grabs at her ass cheeks, spreading them and kneading into her flesh. One of his hands, with claws longer than most men have, grabs at his thick prick and slaps it against her ass cheek. With his other hand, his fingers probe her slit, alternately pressing against her clit and slipping into her hole. She whimpers again, this time with excitement.
The soft skin of his dick slides up her slit, moving against her. His thickness presses against her clitoris, pressing her nub just hard enough to make her gasp and quiver. Drops of precum turn into a stream of the clear goo, lubricating her walls and his prick before he places the tip of his cock at her entrance. “Oh, god...” she moans, both in fear in longing. She presses her arms above her head to give her a better position for the fucking she's about to receive.
The beastly man slams his cock into her, all the way in within a single second. The scream of pain that escapes her chest is high pitched, but doesn't stop Jack from fucking her fast and hard. After a few seconds and a few thrusts, Belle starts to really enjoy the feeling of his huge dick deep within her virginal pussy. Instinct kicking in, she presses against her arms to allow herself to move in time with him, her ass moving back as his cock moves forward.
Each thrust gets him deeper and deeper into her velvety folds, each moan from her matched by a growl from him. He leans over her slender body and bites her shoulder, this time drawing some blood. But it feels good. It feels orgasmic as he's latched onto her with his mouth and fucking her from behind. The pure animal lust is building up in her, and she can feel herself getting closer to orgasm. “I'm gonna cum!”
The animal-man grunts and pushes into her even harder, fucking her as fast as he can. His panting is loud, and hers is soft as they both writhe and move their bodies to reach the orgasm they need. His claws digging deep into her flesh, he pulls on her hair after letting go with his teeth. The maneuver allows him better control as he fucks her raw.
His thighs slap against hers, her ass slaps against his stomach, and the sound of their fucking reaches a feverish pitch. Belle's moans turn into high pitched yelps as her tits swing wildly below her, and with one final push, Jack howls and lets loose a torrent of cum deep within her womb. “Fuck, fuck, fuck me!” She cries as her own orgasm hits her like a train, her mind blacking out with the only thing visible to her are fireworks. The fire of orgasm courses through her entire body as her fingers and toes both flex and curl with each wave.
The wildness in Jack's face washes away, and a look of abject horror replaces it. “I'm so sorry!”
Without another word, the handsome man, still nude, runs from the library. Belle takes a moment to compose herself, enjoying the feeling of his cum leaking out of her pussy a bit. Pulling up her panties and pushing her skirt back down, she picks up her bag and checks to see if the man had locked the door.
With relief, she finds the door is unlocked. She wanders around a bit, realizing the man lives in a huge mansion, empty and cold. Most rooms are covered with dust, like they haven't been touched in years.
She finds the fron
t door and, upon walking out, checks for the address. She pulls out a pen and a scrap of paper to write it down before tossing it in her purse. A nagging sadness for the man is pulling her to check back up on him tomorrow. With a sigh, she says farewell to her virginity and begins her walk home.
Indoctrinating a Hot Bitch
Interracial Billionaire Bimbo Erotica
Asia Marquis
I had been thinking about it for several minutes now, and I don't know how my friends got me this date. I don't know who he is, but he's obviously got money. Which is something all by itself, given that I just got out of school a year ago and I don't think I'll ever be out of debt at this rate.
“I'm sorry, you were saying?”
As the waiter walked away with our menus, I was shaken out of my distracted silence by the man sitting across from me.
“Oh. What was I talking about?”
“You were talking about your future in economics.”
“Oh, right. Thanks.” I nodded to get my head back on straight. “So I got my degree, and I was hoping to get a job at a think tank down the line, but for right now I'm just working at Merrill-Lynch as as a stockbroker.”
“Sounds demanding,” he said, raising his eyebrows. He sat back and I noticed, not for the first time, how sexy he was. His beard was trimmed short and he had a vaguely... predatory look in his eyes that did things to me. He was a white man, which wasn't my typical date. Something about white men scares me, but this one? He scares me in all the right ways.
I tried to ignore it.
“And what do you do,” I asked, hoping to figure out something, anything, about him.
“Oh, you know,” he said, not bothering to sit back up. “I get by somehow.”
I struggled not to roll my dark eyes. If you're going to duck the question at least try to be subtle about it, I thought. But then I looked at him again and realized that I didn't care enough to rock the boat. I'd be lucky to get a guy this good-looking, this young, with money. Most guys my age, just getting out of college, they can barely find work, never mind have money.
And now here we've got a twenty-something, sitting there in a Brooks Brothers suit like it's nothing. Most guys who spend all their daddy's money on clothes are pretty careful to flash you the label, so you'll be impressed. I wouldn't know what he was wearing at all if I didn't know it by sight. So he must have money enough to ignore it, or be paying someone to dress him.
I can't be sure, of course; I only met him a few minutes ago. But I don't get the impression that he is the sort of man who lets other people make his decisions for him, and when he does, he doesn't seem like the type to miss important distinctions like 'what it means about your budget to be wearing a twelve hundred dollar suit.'
I reached forward and picked up the glass sitting in front of me and brought it to my lips and took a sip. The burn was good, and I set it back down.
“But really,” I decided to press. “What do you do?”
He nodded for a moment and pushed back hair that had fallen into his face.
“I made a few good investments a few years ago, that gave me the seed money for some business ventures that went better than expected, and it all became a wonderfully vicious cycle, I suppose.”
“Oh yeah.”
“Yeah,” he said nonchalantly.
“Well, you should probably keep an eye on that money, James; you don't know what you've got til it's gone.”
“I've got a budget,” he says. “Accountant wouldn't let me go over it if I held a gun to his head. He'd stop the bullet with sheer force of will and put a stop on the checks.”
I laughed. Yeah, I suppose there were some people I had met like that myself.
Dinner came and for a while we ate in silence. The waitress kept our water glasses full; I refused a second bourbon.
When the food was done, I couldn't make a decision. I really wasn't enjoying the place. I think he might have picked up on it. But I didn't mind James Read, the man. He was full of himself, but the name was sounding remarkably familiar. I knew he had money, and through a fog caused by tipsiness and arousal I thought I had heard his name around financial circles as I was coming up in school.
Having connections was important, and I had cultivated them for a long time now. So when a boy genius starts coming up, it makes waves big enough to reach even my ears.
He smiled at me and I smiled back.
“Lets get out of here,” he said before I could express my desire to do the same.
He dropped a few bills on the table. Neither of us had seen the check, but I knew he was overpaying, and I knew he was overpaying by more than a little.
“Now, where will we go,” he said, tantalizingly. As if he had an idea where he was going, but it was just a matter of time.
“I dunno.” I made a face. “Bourbon in that place was piss-poor, though. I have a good bottle back at my apartment.”
His face split up into a grin. “That sounds wonderful, Alice. Let's go.”
I started walking. In Manhattan, nothing's that far from anything else. My apartment was three blocks north and twenty floors up.
“Wait,” he called. “I should get my car.”
“Oh, it's not far.”
“I'd be more comfortable driving, still. It's not the distance, I try to keep it nearby.”
I allowed it, even if it was a little silly. I followed him to a BMW that shined like it was brand new, even though I could tell it was older than I was.
“Sorry, I–” he hesitated, the first time I'd seen him really hesitate the whole night. “The car's a bit personal.”
I could hear an accent that I hadn't detected before. He was from the City after all, I thought, but I kept it to myself as well.
“It's no problem.”
I slipped into the passenger side seat and he slipped into the driver's side. There was a pair of driving gloves sitting on the divider, but he didn't pull them on. He slipped the key into the ignition and started the engine. I could hear it rumble to life and start purring.
“Where was your building?”
“1st Avenue,” I said. “Number 252.”
He nodded absently. His mind was on the road, now, and driving. He might not have put the gloves on, which was good because I had thought how damn silly that would be, but he was in driving mode now, more than anyone I'd seen before.
The car was a manual, but I never felt him shift. I saw it, but it was so smooth that it almost seemed like he never even touched the clutch pedal. It was as comfortable as any driving experience I'd had, in the nicest limousine. He pulled up in front of the apartment and I stepped out.
“You can give your keys to the valet, if you like.”
He thought about it for a minute; I could see the uncertainty in his eyes. It was interesting to see a vulnerable side of him at all; in the restaurant he had seemed unassailable. It was hard to think of him as being young, even though his face showed his youth, but now that I saw him like this it was easy.
“Yeah,” he said, stretching out the word, like he was trying to get a feel for it. “Okay.”
He pulled the key out of the ignition and stepped out of the car. The valet came around the driver's side and James reached into his pocket and pressed something into his hand along with the keys. He leaned forward and said something into the man's ear.
“Oh course, sir,” the driver said and slid into the seat.
James joined me on the sidewalk.
“Lead on.”
I did. I stepped in, smiled at the man behind the desk, and pushed a button on the elevator, and the doors opened up smoothly. I stepped in and James followed suit. I jammed the button for my floor and it lit up under my finger. The doors closed and we started going up.
I could feel his eyes on me, though when I tried to check he didn't make any sign that he'd been looking. He smiled in a way that I could only call predatory and I smiled back. I knew he was looking, but I wanted him to look.
The doors opened again
on my floor and we stepped out and into the hall. I put the keycard into my door and it clicked unlocked. I pushed the door handle down and we went inside.
“Hang your jacket on the hooks, if you like,” I called as I stepped into my bedroom and closed the door. I wanted to get out of my work clothes. They were nice enough, but they were hardly date material. The truth was that I hardly had time for dating, and I'd only gone on this one to get my friends to shut up about never dating anyone.
'Don't worry, we'll take care of the whole thing,' they'd said, and sure enough they had. A couple days later she'd gotten a notification on her phone that they'd set up a date for Six o'clock Friday with a great guy. She didn't know him, but she'd love him. 'Guaranteed,' they had said. Fine. I got off at five thirty, so that was plenty of time to get over to the restaurant.
But now that I saw him, and saw who he was, and how he looked, how I looked seemed so much more important. I pulled her jacket off, and then my blouse. They joined the pile of dirty laundry at the bottom of my closet. Then I looked into the mirror as I pulled off my skirt. The bra wouldn't do, not at all. It supported well enough, but it wasn't sexy, and I wanted to feel sexy. I pulled it off, letting my ample bosom spill free. The bra joined the pile, and it was followed by my panties a moment later.
I took a second to look in the mirror. I didn't look so bad, after all. There had been a time when I hated my body, but it was long-since passed. I looked good. I looked damn good.
I reached in and grabbed a new bra and put it on. It was lacy and black and if I squinted I could almost see my brown nipples through the black lace. I smiled to myself. I liked it. A matching pair of panties was underneath and I pulled them on, and then grabbed a little black dress that I'd been saving for such an occasion.
My breasts made a deep valley of cleavage that the deep neck of the dress did nothing to cover up. Perfect, I thought, and then I opened the door back up. James was sitting on the couch waiting.