Sweet Kisses (Interracial BWWM Erotic Romance Bundle) Page 4
Shit. Did I save my work? Danika's already miles away before she realizes she did not. She pulls over to the side of the road, trying to control and fight off a panic attack. I worked on that for 18 hours straight!
Unable to breath in her small car, she gets out. Off the road is a large forest, one of the beautiful sights she gets to see before and after each work day. Danika scrambles to get under the thick leaves of the trees, clutching her chest and gasping. Brando will kill me! And if Brando doesn't kill me, the client definitely will!
Alternating between pacing and leaning against the trees, the woman curses occasionally. After a while, though, her heart does slow down.
Actually, this could be a good excuse to ask for more time. She smiles and takes a few deep breaths. Satisfied with that thought, she turns to go back to the road.
Except, in her panic, she lost the road and has no clue which way to go. Searching the ground, she tries to find clues of where she was. Indentations in the leaves or mud on the ground. Her hair and clothes are soaking wet already.
“Aw, fuck.” She leans with her back against a large tree. It's keeping her dry but her teeth are chattering from the cold. The forest is quiet aside from the pitter-patter of raindrops.
The feeling of the air shifts and seems to get denser. Danika's ears feel a strange pressure, as if she's ascending in an airplane. Massaging her jaw, she looks around.
There's a loud POP, and then the rain stops. The sounds of animals in the forest come back like a loud roar, with hundreds of birds and small mammals scurrying around on the suddenly dry land.
Confused, Danika wraps her arms around herself. “What the hell?” Her words sound odd in the thick air. Looking around, she spots a path that she hadn't noticed before. At the beginning of the path is a spear sticking up from the ground, its pointy head glistening in the sun that penetrates the thick canopy above.
As she gets nearer, the spear seems to have something red dripping down it, but long dried. Blood, maybe? Is this some sort of practical joke among hunters?
An unknown object whizzes past her face, darting through the trees. All Danika saw of it was a black blur. Gasping, she crouches down. I need to find someplace safe.
The strange feeling of not being in the same forest anymore creeps up on her, but she tries to ignore it. Danika is a smart woman, and she relies on science. Surely there's no scientific way to have teleported to another world! Still, that dread fills her and informs her slow crawl down the path.
A few yards into the trek, she spots a cave. Knowing that might be the only safe place for miles, she scrambles to her feet and runs toward it.
She doesn't make it to the cave.
When the blackness fades away, it's replaced by blurred colors. Some of the colors seem to move. Others don't. The bright orange color seems to be making Danika warmer. Fire.
She tries to move her arms, but they're stuck by her sides. Lifting up her head, she tries to find what's binding her, but she sees nothing. She simply cannot move. With her head throbbing, she blinks a few times and tries to focus her eyes.
She's in a small, dark room. She's on the ground, which is covered with dried hay. There's a bowl by a large wooden door, and the flame is coming from a torch on the wall. It's the only source of light in this room.
Looking down again, not only does Danika not see what's binding her, she also finds herself completely nude. Her breasts move freely with each breath she takes.
Footsteps outside of the door take her eyes away from her naked body. “Hello? Can anyone hear me out there?” She calls, hoping for a response.
The wooden door creaks open, letting a sliver of sunlight in. It must be daytime still. Danika is so distracted by the light that she doesn't notice who steps into the room.
A large man looms over her. His hair is long and black. On his stomach is a jewel, also black and shining in the firelight. When Danika finally turns to him, she gasps. He's naked too!
Help!” She screams. “Help me! Get me out of here!” The man only stands still, his eyes looking to the wall behind her. There are more shuffling footsteps behind the door, and then 3 knocks.
The naked man comes to her side. She struggled against her invisible bonds, but it's no use. He pulls Danika up into his arms and carries her to the door. It opens for him.
The air outside of the room smells sweet. She hears a bird call above them. The man carries her through a still-dark hallway before finally they're in a clearing. All around them are trees, but this section is full of small houses. The largest is the one that holds the room she was just in. They're constructed strangely out of huge slabs of stone, but they look sturdy enough.
Looking past her captor's shoulder, she sees three more men. Their hair is also long and dark, and they are nude. Unable to help herself, Danika looks to their penises. Christ, they're huge!
Blushing and turning away, she find a fifth man striding up to her. Her captor sets her on her feet, and she's surprised to find the bindings around her legs are gone, though her arms are still pinned to her side. I wish I could cover myself up.
The man walking up to her is different from the rest. His hair is blond, his skin a beautiful golden color. On top of his head is a crown carved from ivory with black and red jewels set within it. Deep-set golden eyes regard her with suspicion before looking her body up and down.
“Why have you come to my forest?” Danika understands the man's words, but the sounds he makes are strange. They're not English.
“I have no idea what you're talking about,” she says. Again her nudity distracts her. She'd do anything to hide her nipples. The blond man's naked body shines in the sunlight, glistening and oiled. His cock twitches as his eyes look to her breasts again.
“If you will not tell me, I'll have to force it out of you,” he warns.
Wishing she could throw herself at his feet and beg for mercy, she only says, “I swear, I have no idea where I am! Last I remember, I was having a panic attack by a road!”
The three men behind her murmur something in their strange language, too quiet for her to hear. The blond man shoots them a look, and they each go back into the large house. She's alone with the man. Is he their leader? Is he their king?
The crown on his head would suggest that much. She stands still as he watches her. He waves his hand, and her invisible bindings all disappear. “I have freed you as a sign of good will. Now, you must tell me. Are you here to sabotage my army? To poison me? Why has your tribe sent you here? The yearly mating is not for another 3 moons.”
Her head feeling a bit like a small boat on a stormy sea, she stumbles forward. What the fuck is this guy talking about? Mating? Poison? My tribe? Her hand rests on his shoulder. It ripples beneath her touch, but he stands still, allowing her to steady herself again.
Looking straight into his yellow eyes, she makes her face as honest as possible. “I swear to you, I have never been a member of another tribe. I am not here to sabotage or assassinate you. I am here by mistake, and I mean no harm.” Hoping that explanation is satisfactory, she takes a step back and crosses her arms over her breasts. What she doesn't realize is that a light dew is glistening between her legs, betraying her arousal. The man is very large, and she hasn't had sex in a very long time.
He looks her up and down, trying to understand her. No power? But every woman has strong magic deep within her. She must have power.
Slowly, he speaks again. “Very well. I believe you. However, to make sure you cannot use any magic against us, we must trade magic by ritual. This will render you harmless, and then we can free you to find your home.” He turns and strides to another large house. Its roof has a flat top and is a deep black that absorbs the sunlight hitting it.
Danika follows close behind the man, watching his ass muscles as they flex with each step. Well, at least this is nice.
The inside of the building is basically empty. On the far wall is a table with a large bowl of pure water. In one corner there are weapons leaning against the wall. Above them is a hole in the ceiling, and from it the sun pours light down upon the center of the floor. There is a stylized drawing of the Sun and the Moon surrounded by the stars.
The air is hot inside the building, especially once the door is closed. Danika wipes a bead of sweat from her forehead. “That's beautiful,” she says, gesturing toward the mural on the ground. The man beams down at it with pride.
“Come here.” The words are said with power and a forcefulness that leaves Danika feeling meek and shy. She freezes in place. His hand wraps gently around her thin arm and pulls her in close to him. Her sweet scent hits his nose, and he closes his eyes to enjoy it. No other witch has ever smelled this sweet.
“What are you doing?” She asks, trying to pull away.
He chuckles. “Were you never taught this ceremony? You must come from a banished mother to not know of this.” His free hand presses against the small of her back. “We must know each other, and then I will take your magic from your for the duration of your pregnancy.”
She balks at him. “Excuse me?!” She squirms away from him. “You can't do that to me! I can't get pregnant, and I don't have any damn magic!”
Danika breaks free from his grasp, but with a wave of his hand she's bound again. Another wave, and she's floating before him, completely helpless. She comes to rest on her feet, only inches away from her captor.
“This is a necessity if you want to go free, wanderer.” His words have a dreamy tone to them. By the time he finishes the sentence, she no longer wants to struggle. Instead, she wants to be closer to him. He removes her magical bindings and pulls her close once more.
“I don't even know your name.” Her eyes are half-lidded, her gaze far away. The man gazes at her soft lips, they way they turn up slightly into a smile.
“I am King Alhazred,” he says. She shudders at the power that flows out with the name. “Lay down under the light.”
She turns to look, then looks back to him. “On my back?” She asks.
“Yes,” he breathes. His member is hard now, throbbing in fact. Danika is not like the women the King has had before. No woman from another tribe has weaved a spell so potent as to make him feel this drunk. She poses no threat, of that he is sure, but he feels the strange desire to please her rather than simply use her. The sensation is strange and confusing, since it goes against everything his elders taught him.
With her back against the cold ground, he flicks his hand. Her arms are pulled up above her head, holding her in place. He does the same for her legs, pinning them so they are spread wide and give him a perfect view of her slit.
She writhes with excitement, each movement making her breasts jiggle slightly. He kneels and looks at her sweet pussy, loving the way it glistens with wetness. Crawling up her body, he gives in to the deep desires he feels and looms over her, giving her a lusty look before dipping his head down to her nipples.
The King sucks one of them into his hot mouth, and Danika makes a small sound of appreciation.
“Ooh!” She can move just enough to rub her pussy against his naked leg, allowing her juices to slide down his thigh as he sucks her breast. The friction stimulates her swollen clitoris. Using one of his hands, he slides his fingers into her slit, up and down.
Then he pushes himself away from her delicious tit. His long, pointed tongue licks down the length of her torso. Moving back, he looks at Danika's pussy and admires the way her skin blushes and drips with wetness. Wondering how it might feel against his lips, he pushes his tongue into her folds.
“Oh my god! Your tongue is so long!” Her back arches. She pulls against her invisible bonds, but she cannot release herself. The King's long tongue probes deep into her cunt, slithering over her sensitive nub and then flicking inside her pussy.
“Shit,” she moans. “Oh my god, that feels good!” His tongue presses deeper into her, fucking her hard. She's about to cum when he pulls away.
“No, please keep going!” She whimpers. “I was so close!”
When she sees that his hand is wrapped around his cock, she stops pleading with him. He's going to fuck me. He's going to fuck me, and then cum in me. God, that is so hot!
The King spits into his hand and rubs it onto his dick. It mixes with his precum and leaves his member shining. It makes it look even bigger and harder. Danika bites her bottom lip.
Placing it at her entrance, The King looks into her eyes and sees lust in them. He watches her as the tip slides into her, spreading her pussy wider than it's ever been. Her eyes flutter and her face goes red. She lets out a long moan as she adjusts to his size.
“Hnng, I want it all,” she gasps.
The King, not wanting to hurt the strange witch below him, slowly pushes the rest of his length into her. He watches as her face contorts, going from pain to pleasure. When his balls hit her soft ass cheeks, he pulls his entire length back out again, leaving only the tip inside of her.
Entering Danika's pussy once more, he savors the velvety feel of her tunnel. She's so wet, and each thrust is met with small twitches inside of her. He leans over and smells the sweet perfume on her neck before sinking his teeth into her flesh, marking her in a way he's never wanted to mark a woman before.
She cries out and her vagina spasms. As his thrusts pick up speed, Danika becomes more vocal, her moans certainly loud enough for others in the village to hear her. The sun above them warms them both so that their skin is glistening with sweat.
“Harder,” she begs. “Go faster and harder.”
No witch has ever enjoyed this as much as the one below the King currently is. Her pleasure is making this feel better for him than usual. Marking her neck again, he grabs behind her back with one arm and lifts her up. His hips thrust up into her, grazing her cervix. Again and again, he pounds into her cunt, working so hard that each thrust is accompanied by a labored grunt.
The harder he fucks her, the louder she moans. Spurred on by her enjoyment, he goes even faster now. He notices the way her pretty hair is tangling and shining in the sunlight, and the way she bites her lip and groans each time he pushes himself into her.
Watching her, he realizes he won't last much longer. His balls begin to tingle and his cock starts to twitch. As the first stream of his cum hits her depths, she lets out a wail and her pussy clenches around him. She's cumming too.
More and more cum spills deep within her, but instead of feeling more powerful from taking her magic, he feels the same. The King thrusts a few more time, hoping to feel the power exchange that's meant to happen, but he feels nothing.
Looking at the woman below him, and realizing she's not a witch, he cocks his head to the side. “What are you, if you're not a witch?”
She gasps a few more times. “I'm... just... a normal... woman...” Each word is forced out. He waves his hand and all her bindings are removed, watching as she rolls over to her side. A small amount of his cum is leaking down her thigh and onto the mural beneath her.
Something clicks within Danika, and she knows she's pregnant. Fear, but also excitement, starts to grow inside of her. “You made me pregnant,” she says once she's breathing more slowly. She looks up at him, at the way he's looking at her. Confusion, arousal, and lust swirl in his beautiful eyes.
“I did.” There's no question. He's potent, even without the magic that flows within his blood.
“I don't think I can go home like this,” Danika says, sitting up. She tries to straighten her wild hair, but it's no use without a comb. The King looks down at his lover, at the future mother of his child, and is forced to make a decision. It's not an easy one, but it's one that must be made immediately.
“Then stay with me.”
The Witch's Aphrodisiacs
Her Seductive Curse
Wren Winter
When I was younger, I was cursed.
I was born to a non-witch family, who never expected that I might become a witch. When I started getting magic sickness as a baby, they took me to dozens of human doctors, none of whom knew how to help me.
Once I started breaking out in hives, my kind parents got desperate. They didn't know what to do or who to turn to, until a family friend told them to send me to a witch in New York City. My parents were skeptical but worried they might lose me, and so they got in their car that night and drove for 8 hours. The family friend set up an appointment for me to be seen by her.
I'm told by my parents that when they pulled up to the old woman's house, they knew something was off. Maybe it was the dozen crows, or the cat whose meow sounded more like a cackle, but just as the old witch opened the front door to greet my parents my mother had the sudden urge to turn around and leave.
But she didn't. Because I was only barely a year old and suffering so much. My mother carried me in her arms into the witch's house, setting me on the table as the witch commanded.
“She has magic sickness,” the old woman said, her voice surprisingly melodious despite her cracked lips and matted hair. “This is easy enough to fix, you simply have to give her a small bottle of salt water until she is old enough to perform magic.”
“Magic?!” My mother cried, holding my small hand tight. “How can she do magic? Neither of us are witches!”
The old woman raised her eyebrows and looked down at me with curiosity. “What a rare gem, then. A natural witch.” Dipping her finger into salt water, she placed it on my lips for me to suckle. “Would you like me to divine her future?”
My parents agreed, watching as the old woman removed the fabric over a large mirror. Not a silver mirror, no, this one was shiny and black, deep as night. For a few moments, the old crone stared into the mirror before furrowing her eyebrows and whipping around. Her eyes seemed red then, full of hatred and anger.
“Your child cannot be allowed to have children!” She screamed, pointing her long, bony finger at me. She waved it erratically, and green sparkles flew out of her hand and over me. The sparkles fell like a blanket over me until they were absorbed into my skin.