Sweet Kisses (Interracial BWWM Erotic Romance Bundle) Read online

Page 11

  “Hey Alice, are there any bears or other weird animals in this forest?” Michonne asks. The strange sound from last night echoes in the back of her mind as Bailey glances at her.

  “There might be some bears, but Daddy's never seen one while he was camping. Why?”

  “We heard a strange sound last night,” Bailey answers. Kelly looks at his girlfriend, his eyebrows coming together. His back twitches with anxiety, animating the tattoo of a dragon on his shoulder blade.

  “Do you think it's something to be worried about?” He asks. “Maybe it was a hunter, one who doesn't know this area is off limits.”

  Alice rolls her eyes, throwing her towel down on the beach. “I doubt it. It was probably just an owl, they can sound really spooky. Daddy was just out here last week and everything was fine.”

  Jake comes up behind everyone else, carrying a big cooler with a grunt. He lets it fall to the ground. “Get your beers before the ice melts!”

  Everyone grabs a beer and lays out in the sun for a while, chatting about high school and giving in to nostalgia. Michonne sits in the shade, alternating between watching her friends and reading her ghost stories.

  The ground rumbles behind her. She turns to look, but finds nothing there. A sudden splash forces Michonne's head to spin, looking just in time to watch Jake throw Melissa into the water with a screech. “I'll kill you!”

  She smiles and shakes her head.


  It took Michonne hours to fall asleep. She stared at the walls of her tent, waiting to hear the strange cry again. She did eventually drift off to sleep, but it was fitful. She tossed and turned for 3 hours in a state of 'almost asleep'.

  Her eyes flicker open when she hears the sound of a bag being dragged. The sound of a zipper opening and something eating just loudly enough to make it impossible for her to sleep.

  Damn boys. She turns away from the sound, pulling a pillow over her head, but it's no good. It's too loud.

  “Go to bed!” She yells, her upper lip curled in disgust. “Go to bed before I kick your ass!”

  The noises stop. Satisfied, Michonne removes the pillow from on top of her head and starts to drift off to sleep again.

  A loud thud jolts her awake again. She groans, bunching her hands up into tight fists. “I said, go to bed!” Unzipping her tent, she pokes her head out, expecting to see Brett or Jake going through her bag again. Instead, she sees a huge, hulking shadow. It's furry and probably eight feet tall, taller than any of the boys in the camp.

  “What the-”

  The thing turns, and in a sliver of moonlight she sees wide blue eyes, much larger than a humans. The thing sniffs the air as it watches her. Her arms start to shake from fear, but before she can do anything else the thing runs off, leaving nothing but a foul smell and a confused girl.

  After a few moments, she lets out a loud yell. In the tent next to her, a flashlight goes on and Kelly and Bailey look out at her through the mesh window. “Michonne, are you okay?” Kelly asks. Melissa looks out, too, checking on her.

  “I just saw a,” she scrambles for the words to describe the creature. “A thing! A monster!”

  Bailey looks at her friend with worry. “You were just dreaming, honey. Go back to bed.”

  Michonne tears out of her tent and stands defiantly. “No, I wasn't! There was a huge, furry monster! It was like eight feet tall and it was huge!”

  “Are you sure it wasn't a bear?” Melissa asks, her voice weary. “I mean, just because Uncle Bob hasn't seen one doesn't mean there aren't any.”

  “I don't think it was a bear. It was standing on two legs.” Suddenly tired, Michonne rubs her forehead. “I know I saw something weird. I've never seen a bear like that.”

  Kelly tries to soothe Michonne. “Why don't you go to bed, and we can talk about this in the morning. Okay?”

  Michonne doesn't say anything. She stares out into those dark woods, looking for proof of what she saw, but the beast is long gone. She has no proof.

  Day Three


  “Augh, what the hell!”

  The shrill screaming and whimpering of Alice brings everyone out from their tents. What they see upsets them, too.

  “Some disgusting thing shit all over my bag!” Alice cries, poking at her backpack with a stick. “Half of our food is in there!”

  Jake's lip twitches a hidden smile. “Then I guess you're going to have to clean it off.”

  “Fuck you, Jake! You clean it off, or you're never having sex again!”

  “Hey, wait a minute!” Alice storms off down the trail, heading to the beach. Bailey and Michonne glance at each other, then Michonne turns on her heel and starts packing up her bag.

  “Hey, what are you doing?”

  Michonne grits her teeth. “I told you, I saw something out there! Does that look like human shit to you? That can't be a prank!”

  Bailey looks to the bag, her nose crinkling with disgust. “That could still be bear poop or something. Come on, don't leave.”

  “Why shouldn't I? None of you want me here anyway.” She stares down Melissa, Brett, Kelly and Bailey. None of them say anything, but Bailey shakes her head. “I'm going. Fuck this.”

  “Hey, what's this?” Melissa asks, stepping up to a big oak tree in front of Michonne's tent. Michonne turns to look at it. The whole trunk has been scratched, the outer layer in complete shreds.

  “Did a bear do that, too?” Michonne asks. She sucks on her teeth, pulling her black hair up into a ponytail. Bailey comes up to her and takes her hand.

  “Please don't go. You're my best friend, and even with Kelly here I'd be miserable without you.”

  Michonne looks into Bailey's green eyes, searching for another excuse to leave. Nothing surfaces. She sighs and throws her backpack to the ground. “Fine!”

  “We shouldn't stay here, though. We could move a mile South, to the beach. Would that make you feel safer, Michonne?” Brett looks worried. He's usually quick to tease Michonne, but even he can't deny the strange shredding of the tree.

  Alice comes back and they cook their breakfast before taking down the camp and moving onto the edge of the beach. Being near the water kicks a breeze up the small hill that leads to their tents.

  “The stakes probably won't hold us for more than a day. It's too late now and we did too much work to just go home, but tomorrow we probably should.” Jake says, twisting his back in a stretch. “Let's all just have some fun tonight.”

  Michonne nods, relief forcing her face up into a smile.


  As soon as the sun goes down and their bellies are full, the whole camp heads to bed. They're exhausted from moving the camp, exhausted from Alice's whining, and exhausted from the fear of whatever is out there.

  In the tent next to Michonne's, Kelly is snoring softly, but she can't sleep. She knows something will happen again tonight, and she wants to be prepared. She lays there, listening to the crickets and waiting. Waiting for a movement, or the snap of a twig.

  It doesn't take long for something to happen. The grown below her rumbles as she hears something sniffing at the air. Like a dog searching for a lost child, it sniffs loudly as it creeps around the camp.

  Michonne doesn't move. She wants to vindicate herself, prove to the others that she isn't crazy... but what if the thing out there is some inbred killer? What if it really is a bear? Torn with indecision, she can't even move. She hears the beast move closer to her and sudden panic causes her heart to thump so hard against her chest that it hurts. She just screws her eyes shut.

  The beast looks in through the mesh window, seeing his prize. Large hands grab the fabric of the tent and tear it open with one loud grunt. Michonne tries to scramble away from the thing, but she's too slow. “Let me go!” She screams. “Let me go!”


  As the beast grabs Michonne and throws her over his broad shoulders, she sees Bailey and Melissa staring at her in horror.

  “Help me!”

sp; The beast shifts his weight and with surprising speed, he sprints through the trees. Before long, she can only hear the shouts of her friends, calling her name, and then... nothing at all.

  She screams until her throat scratches and throbs. Her nails dig into the hairy flesh of the beast, trying to break free of his grip, but she's not strong enough. His arm is bigger than her waist, there's no chance of her overpowering this creature.

  So she goes limp, unmoving, merely terrified. When the shouts of her friends are nothing more than a whisper, the beast stops running and slowly carries her deeper into the forest, away from the lake.

  The thing sets her down in a clearing. The moon above shines so brightly that the brown fur of the beast seems silvery. Its blue eyes look down at her with something other than the ferocious wildness she expects. They look down at her with compassion. With... lust.

  Its nose is sort of like a dog's, but closer to it's face. Its ears are large and its entire body, face and all, is covered with fur. Even beneath the fur, she can see the beast's muscles tense and relax with each breath it takes. Though it makes no real noise, its breathing carries a sort of deep hum that relaxes her.

  It moves, and she flinches. “Don't hurt me!” She cries, closing her eyes. She hears some movement, but nothing painful happens to her. She opens her eyes, and before her is a large hand holding out a ring of flowers.

  “What's this?” She asks, not daring to move. The beast takes the flower chain and holds it between his two comically large fingers. Moving it closer to Michonne, he gently sets it against her head. A crown of flowers.

  For some reason, this action causes love to swell in Michonne. She looks at the beast, drinking in the powerful sight of his hairy body. His large, ape-like pectorals. His thick thighs. The thick slab of man-meat between those thighs, not at all hidden from view. Her mouth falls open at the sheer size of it.

  The beast inches closer to her again. He presses his nose against her cheek, nuzzling her. When he pulls back, he uses his finger to pull down her tank top's strap, exposing her shoulder.

  She gives the beast a look of confusion, pulling the strap back up. This makes the beast angry. He grabs her arm and forcibly tears the shirt off of her, exposing her naked chest.

  “Hey!” She yells, using her free arm to cover her breasts. The beast holds her still, one of his fingers sliding down the scar on her stomach. It tickles, having someone touch her where no one else has in a long time. The compassion comes to his eyes again, and then the lust surges through him.

  The beast picks Michonne up and pulls her shorts down, leaving her in only her panties. With a grunt, he presses her against a tree and tears her panties off too. She tries to wiggle away from him, but he pulls his head back and, with a big breath, he roars at the moon. The sound scares Michonne... but it also makes her wet.

  When he focuses on her again, his free arm pins her to the tree from the neck. He watches her, waiting for her to move, to make even a gesture towards escaping his grasp. She wiggles just a bit, and the beast growls, baring his teeth. The rancid smell of his breath makes any of her fascination fade away, sending her into a panicked frenzy.

  Her arms come up to the hand holding her neck against the rough bark, scratching at it. Her naked body writhes against the tree and the force of the beast-man holding her against it. Her eyes look down for just a second and, to her horror, she sees that the monster cock has become erect.

  Michonne tries to shout again, but nothing comes out. Her breath comes out in hurried gasps, her heart racing as she tries to think of some way out of this situation.

  The monster's knee comes up between her legs and spreads them. He lowers her body slightly, scratching her bare ebony skin against the bark. She whimpers in pain, wishing someone, anyone would save her.

  When she feels something press against her slit, she tightens up. The pressure is unbearable as the monster attempts to enter her, pushing his cock hard against her hole. “Please,” she rasps, tears streaming down her face. The beast only snaps at her in response.

  The flower crown slips from her head to the ground just as the monstrous cock pops into her, sending searing pain through her whole body. Michonne isn't a virgin, but she's only ever been with the average teenage boy. This monster is nothing she ever dreamed of taking.

  Her cries are silent, though, as the cock pushes up into her, inch by excruciating inch, until finally it presses against her cervix. Gnashing her teeth, her whole body tenses. “Oh fuck, it hurts please stop!”

  The monster starts to pull out of her, only to send her into even more pain with another deep thrust. The third thrust, though, feels better. Her tense body relaxes slightly, and her juices start to flow. Before long the monster is fucking her at a normal pace, rather than struggling to get into her at all.

  Michonne wipes away her tears, looking at the beast that's attacking her. The pain is nothing now, and is quickly being overtaken by pleasure. Her thick lips part and a lusty breath escapes her mouth. The beast tightens the hold on her neck, restricting her breathing.

  Instead of scaring her, this restriction turns her on. Her breasts bounce with each thrust, and before long raspy moans are filling the air. She's starting to like being fucked by this monster!

  He grunts hard with each thrust. The beast is really working for his orgasm, his strong muscles driving his cock deep into her. She grips his arm, but this time it's not to try and claw him away. It's to get him to press on her neck harder, and to show him she's loving this.

  The beast's hand restricts her air even more, sending a wave of delicious pain and panic through Michonne. The erotic sadism and monstrous disregard for her safety makes Michonne wetter than she's ever been, even as she was fantasizing and pleasuring herself. Nothing has ever felt as good as this feels.

  She wraps her legs around the beast's waist as much as she can, her orgasm finally creeping up on her. The hot pleasure builds, and builds, until he presses down and completely stops her from breathing as a hot wave of Bigfoot cum spills into her womb and her own floodgates open. Her juices spill onto the monster's cock as she twitches.

  Bigfoot lowers her to the ground and, as she twitches, leaves her there until she passes out from fatigue, still gasping for breath.

  Day Four


  “Michonne? Can you hear me, sweety?”

  Bailey pushes a few dirty strands of black hair from Michonne's face as her brown eyes flutter open. She looks around at all of her friends surrounding her.

  “Oh thank God, you're alive,” Alice says, pressing a hand to her chest before turning to bury her face in Jake's neck.

  “What happened?”

  Bailey looks up at Kelly. “We found you on the ground after that... thing took you. You were naked, so Kelly covered you up with his jacket.”

  Michonne looks down and sees the leather jacket that Kelly's dad gave him barely covering her. She gasps and blushes, pressing the fabric down against her body.

  “You were uh... leaking. So I went back to get you some toilet paper.” Brett doesn't look her in the eyes as he passes her the toilet paper. Could the humiliation get any worse? Rather than answer that, the group of friends help her to the car that is parked behind them.

  “How did you guys find me?” She asks as she pulls new clothes onto her body. The wads of paper holding Bigfoot cum are stuffed in a trashbag in the back of the trunk.

  “There was a huge roar, so we followed that. While you were passed out, Jake and Brett packed us up and when we found you, they brought the truck.”

  “Do you need to go to the hospital?” Bailey asks, lightly gliding her fingers on the bruises forming on Michonne's neck. Michonne steps back.

  “No, I'm fine.”

  The group wastes no time getting Michonne into the car and driving straight for the road. As they pass the last tree and onto the paved highway that passes by the forest, Michonne looks out at the rising sun on the horizon. Something on the edge of the forest catches her
eye, a hulking mass that seems to be breathing. She raises her hand and feebly waves to the monster, vowing to come see it again soon.


  A BWWM Interracial Romantic Suspense Novel

  Asia Marquis

  Here's a hot glimpse of the story to cum come:

  "I mean, if you're offering, I could just step outside a minute, I'm sure the water is still hot."

  She hadn't realized she was getting closer to him, nor him closer to her, until she could feel the hot droplets of water still hanging to his skin starting to sink into her sweater as they stood, her chest pressed against him.

  His free hand tested the shape of her cheek, and then she reached up for his lips and they kissed, and Jamelia knew that she was already gone, even if it was only for a little vacation fling.

  His other hand wrapped around, taking a grip of her bottom. If she didn't have much pride in her chest, it only made her feel better about the way that men looked at her ass. She liked the feeling of his fingers digging in, and she liked the way that taking the grip brought something out in him, something that made him take the kiss deeper.

  "Do you have protection?" He breathed.

  "I'm safe," she said. She'd been on B.C. since before she moved to California to help deal with the cramps, and now it seemed like she was the lucky one.

  "Are you sure it's okay?"

  She pulled away from him for a moment. She could see the hunger in her eyes, but he had asked for this.

  "I'm on birth control, I'm clean, I don't—" She blinked, the next part making her stumble a little bit in her quest to get him into bed. "I don't usually do this?"

  "Neither do I, but—when in Rome, right?"

  "Shut up and kiss me."

  Roy did as he was told, pulling her up to set her on the counter. The way he did it was like she didn't weigh more than a bowling ball. She scooted her hips up to help him get the sweatpants off, and then he was kissing her again, holding her head up with one hand as his other explored her body.